graphic design

UI/UX and Web Development

A redesign of a local museum's website aimed at solving established user and design problems. The project involved a heuristic evaluation, pseudo stake-holder meetings, high level and low level priority guides, wireframes, mockups, and a website fully developed using HTML and SASS in conjunction with 11ty and Liquid.

  • HTML
  • SASS
  • 11ty

A redesign of a learning management system aimed at restructuring information architecture and overall user flow. The project involved creating personas, establishing problems through interviews, finding solutions through card sorting, testing said solutions through tree testing, wireframes, and a website fully developed using HTML and SASS in conjunction with 11ty and Liquid.

  • HTML
  • SASS
  • 11ty

A compilation of visual inspirations ranging from paintings and sculptures to typographic design. The final site was created using HTML and SASS with 11ty and utilizes JSON data in order to organize and display each card.

  • HTML
  • SASS
  • 11ty
  • JSON

Other Works


What's up, my name is Chulmin Han, and I'm a multidisciplinary artist and designer based out of Dallas, TX. I enjoy making things—from furniture to UI's—that combine both form and function in ways that complement our daily living.

If you want to talk about hand planes, web design, or the Dallas weather, feel free to shoot me an email!